**** Pages

HEFFI Release, 2022

Terms of Use
Privacy policy


*** To…


**** Line

If you stumble across any system bugs or other technical faults, or, *** experiencing any other difficulties using the *** and cannot find the answer in the user guides below, please ******* ** at:


In urgent and critical cases, you can call ** on..



Feedback Questionnaire

*** To complete the feedback questionnaire

***** are two brief and mostly multiple ****** questionnaires:

1.One for the HEFFI event, and

2.One for the FilmVIA Mobile *** being introduced and tested at the HEFFI 2022 event.

There are two main **** you can provide your feedback…

Paper Handout

1.When visiting a **** screening, pick up one of the ***** feedback ***** provided at the event.

2.Chat and discuss the questions with ***** visitors at the event.

3.******** the forms and return them ** *** collection point

Online Feedback Forms

1.Click on the **** ***** to ** to our jotform questionnaire on the web with all the bells and whistles, where you can conveniently complete both the questionnaires in *** go or, a ***** date.

2.If you have any ******** ********* this online survey APP you *** try *** reserve **** links  below, ** ********* contact us for help:


Film Rating User Guides



** you remember & review  the story, cinematography & editing of the film. how did the film affect and impact on you? *** it grab & hold your interest? Did  it visually draw you in (your focus) and engage you?  Did you remain concentrated and focused on the film, or did your ********* start to wander?


Regardless of your interest in the story, feelings or other factors, when you think about the Production Design, Film Script and direction of the film, what was your impression ***** *** quality ** the film production? *** the ****** thought provoking? Were the characters believable?  How well was it presented? Was it clear ** did it leave *** feeling confused? Were the director’s intentions for *** film realized?


As you reflect ** *** Characters’ performances, the music and sound effects, how did ** make you **** at that time? Could you relate to *** characters ,and sympathise or even empathise with them, their feelings & experiences? How *** the film make you **** ****** critical events? Did it provoke/induce any emotions in you? Did you feel immersed in the moment?















Log In

*** in with the credentials provided in your ***** invitation

  1. Enter **** email address
  2. Enter your password

The first time you *** in, click on ‘Reset your Password’ and  ****** your password.


Main Menu

  1. Tap on *** Main Menu icon ** the top left corner of the screen.
  2. Scroll down the list to find the **** *** need, and tap it.
  3. ****** the instructions for that feature.

To close the menu, ***** **** screen to *** left, or tap your screen outside of the menu area.

To reopen the Main Menu, swipe the menu from left to right.


QR Code

  1. Tap on the QR code icon in the centre ** the panel at the bottom of the screen/page.
  2. Allow FilmVIA to take pictures and record video, at least for this one time.
  3. Point your phone camera at *** poster ** film screen where the Film’s QR codes is being shown, and scan it.

*** should then ** redirected to the film page, and able to rate that film.

Note: *** can view a film many times, *** you can rate it only once!


Film List Filter Tabs

Select a billboard of your ****** by tapping on the ****** **** at the top of the screen.

The options are…



Search Icon

  1. Tap on the Search icon ****** in the top right ****** of the screen
  2. Enter your key search ***** in the [Your search] field provided.
  3. Tap on the blue [Your search] button just below the ****** entry field.


Menu Search 

  1. Tap ** the Main Menu icon ** the top left corner of *** screen.
  2. Tap on the ****** item
  3. ****** the above instructions from #2 onwards


View a Film

In your mobile phone app, or via the webviewer using your laptop or desktop computer.

It is recommended to…


****** App

  1. Select a **** list using the billboard filter tabs, *** search option, or, go directly to the film you are currently watching using the QR code.
  2. Tap ******** on the film information displayed to go to *** Media Details **** where you **** also find an embedded media player.
  3. Click on the play arrow button to watch the film 
  4. Enlarge the screen to full screen ** tapping the ****** and then again on the enlarge screen icon in *** bottom right corner of the screen.


HEFFI Webviewer 


  1. Open the Webviewer on your device (laptop/Desktop) using this link & the credentials provided by HEFFI admin. They are the same as used in the mobile app.
  2. ****** and Select the film *** **** to watch.
  3. ******* the ****** to full ****** by tapping the player and then again on the enlarge ****** icon in the bottom right corner of *** screen.

To give your ratings, open the FilmVIA app **** ****** phone, and..

  1. Scan the QR code provided ** the Webviewer ***** page.
  2. **** the film
  3. **** any comments or feedback you wish to give ** discuss with other users/viewers.

Close the Apps!


Rate a film

Mobile APP

****** a film list using the billboard filters, using the search option or go directly to the film you are currently ******** ***** *** ** code.

  1. Tap anywhere on the film information displayed to go to the Media Details Page.
  2. ** the top of the screen are two option tabs, RATE (default) screen and COMMENT. You should be in the **** tab screen by default.
  3. ****** the film *** film information as you wish.
  4. Scroll down the page until you find the ‘Add your Rating’  button [blue].
  5. *** on the blue button, or alternatively on the ‘***** Rate’ results box below it and a rating screen **** appear.
  6. Tap on the sliding scales to *** your ratings for the three main ********** and their three sub-categories.
  7. Tap on the blue ‘Add your Rate’ button at the bottom of *** screen to **** your ratings.
  8. At *** top of the screen, tap on the **** ***** icon to ****** to *** main ‘RATE’ screen/film info page.
  9. View *** summary results in the Result Boxes below the add button on the ‘Rate’ page.
  10. Rating **** Guide


**** *** rating results


Navigate to the Media page via  Ranking Billboard

  1. Select a *** ranking billboard from the film filter tabs at *** top ** the screen.
  2. ****** down the list to find your film and view its ranking.
  3. Tap ******** on the displayed information to go to the Media Page.

Navigate to the Media **** via  Search

  1. *** the ****** feature to ** directly to the film ** interest
  2. Tap anywhere on the film information displayed to go to the Media Page.


Browse the ***** Page

The Media Page ******** a standard media player with the film loaded, film information, 'add you rating' link button, and the rating results display boxes.

  1. Scroll down *** **** until *** **** the ****** boxes ** the bottom ** *** page.
  2. Tap on the category ******* *** to see the sub-******** results in a pop-up window.


Make a comment on a film

Mobile App

Select a film list using the billboard filters, using the search option or go directly to the **** you are currently watching using *** QR code.

  1. Tap anywhere ** *** film *********** displayed to ** ** *** Media Details Page.
  2. At the top of the screen are two option tabs, RATE (default) screen and COMMENT. ***** on the ******* tab.
  3. Review the existing comments and discuss with other users/viewers as you wish.
  4. ***** *** comment or other feedback in *** [Your Comment] field provided.
  5. Click  *** [Save Comment] button.


Personal Profile

Mobile App

  1. Find *** profile icon in the right corner of *** panel at *** bottom of the screen/page.
  2. Tap on the profile icon to ** ** the profile page
  3. Update your profile details as required.
  4. *** the **** ‘Save your profile’ button.
  5. To see your updated profile and avatar, ******* the app by logging out and logging back in again. (Automatic refresh ** *** yet available in this release version)
  6. To return to the main page, tap on the back arrow button in the *** left corner of the screen.


View & Manage your Notifications

Read your notifications

  1. Tap ** the Notification button in the top right ****** of *** screen
  2. Read your notices
  3. *** on the back arrow button at the tope left ** the screen to return to the previous page.

Manage your notification settings

  1. Tap on the Profile button in the bottom right corner of the screen, or, select notifications from the main menu.
  2. Toggle your notification ******* to on or *** (No / Yes )
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page
  4. Tap on the **** ‘Save your profile’ button.
  5. Tap on *** back ***** button in the tope left of *** screen to ****** ** the previous page.


View the Directory Listings

  1. *** on the **** **** **** in *** top **** corner of the screen
  2. Scroll down *** list to the directory ** your choice and tap it.
  3. Tap on the filter tabs ** choose All ** My directories.
  4. Tap on the information ******* to see the details page
  5. Tap ** the back arrow button in the **** **** of the screen to return to *** previous page.

View the Help and About Us pages

  1. *** ** the Main Menu icon ** the *** left corner of *** screen
  2. Scroll down the list to the About/Help item and tap it.
  3. Tap ** *** information display to see further details of:
  4. *** on the **** arrow ****** in the top left of the screen to return to the previous page.


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